Hawkish Powell

🦅 Embrace the Hawk: Powell's Monetary Strategy 💥💼

February 07, 20243 min read


Inflation is on the decline, but the job of restoring price stability is far from complete. Over the past 11 months, we have successfully avoided a recession, thanks to a robust economy. However, as we carefully consider when to cut rates, we must ensure that inflation aligns with our 2% target. While we are confident in our alignment, we seek additional evidence before taking this crucial step. By executing rate cuts with caution, we can maintain the necessary ammunition to combat any economic downturns.

Hawkish Powell

Powell's Unwavering Hawkish Stand, Driving Price Stability Through 2024! 👊

Striking the Right Balance:

Are we committed to waiting for inflation to hit a flat 2% before cutting rates? No, our commitment lies in gradually turning inflation towards 2% over time, affording us the opportunity to strike when inflation hits that mark. Presently, interest rates stand at a 23-year high of 5.5%, underscoring the urgency to restore price stability. We envision an environment where inflation remains low and people don't have to constantly worry about its impact on their daily lives.

The Risks of Premature Action:

It is crucial to avoid moving too soon to cut rates, as this could potentially lead to inflation settling above our 2% target. On the other hand, delaying policy adjustments may result in excessively tight conditions, hampering economic activity. Striking the right balance between a tight and loose policy is a complex task with no simplistic solutions. In hindsight, tightening policy by raising rates earlier in 2021 would have been preferable. Initially, we believed that the dynamic economy would self-correct swiftly, leading to a decline in inflation. However, as Q4 unfolded, it became clear that inflation was not transitory but required immediate monetary intervention.

Pacing and Confidence:

At the upcoming March meeting, it is unlikely that the committee will reach the required level of confidence to cut rates. Nevertheless, there is consensus among almost all board members that it will make sense to implement gradual rate cuts in 2024, of one-half or one-quarter percent at a time, as long as inflation data remains favorable. This cautious approach allows us to balance the risks involved in monetary policy adjustments.

Unforeseen Challenges and Repercussions:

Powell faced political backlash in 2021 for rapid rate increases that defied economic assumptions. Contrary to predictions, the economy continued to add jobs as rates increased. Powell explained that the unique dynamics of the pandemic disrupted these economic assumptions. Supply chain shortages, such as the semiconductor shortage in the car market, caused unusual market dynamics. However, as the pandemic evolved, these dynamics reversed, leading to eventual relief in inflation.

The Complex Nature of Inflation and its Implications:

While certain prices may rise and others fall, we do not anticipate a decline in the overall price level of the economy. Such declines are generally witnessed in highly adverse circumstances. It's worth noting that basic essentials like bread, milk, and eggs have experienced a substantial inflationary impact since the pandemic's onset. The significant increase in everyday essential prices has contributed to widespread dissatisfaction despite an overall robust economy. While certain goods may see price decreases, restoring the overall price level remains a challenging task.

The Real Estate Market and Potential Impacts:

The value of commercial real estate and office buildings has declined due to the shift towards remote work. Although this decline may lead to some bank closures, it is unlikely to cause a real estate-led recession, according to Powell.


Navigating monetary policy requires careful consideration, especially when aiming to restore price stability and bolster economic growth. By remaining diligent, analyzing relevant data, and striking the right balance between timing and policy adjustments, we can achieve our target of a stable economic environment. It is through such calculated steps that we can create an economy where inflation is low, and people no longer need to worry about its impact on their daily lives.

Watch the 60 Minutes Interview with Powell Here!

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